The winter season is here! With it, the danger of power-cuts. We have an Uninteruptible Power Supply that provides vital services such as WiFi and security. How about lights?
You can’t go wrong with candles. They aren’t Just For birthday cakes, it is easy to know.
What is the best way to light candles? What about mixing two stones? That’s a lot of work! What about matches? I hear you cry. Look. This blog is about high-tech stuff. This blog is not about a piece of wood splintered with noxious chemicals.
Jeff’s Big Jumble Sale, I was able to purchase the most high-tech match-replacement possible.
The USB-C powered candle lighter is included. This candle lighter has a flexible head that can be bent to fit into any corner or awkward candles in your home. There is also a safety switch. The USB-C cable came along with it. It was fully charged as indicated by the LEDs at its side.
Cost total? £7!
For comparison, a single box of long matches is about £4. It only takes me 174 uses to pay for this product. NICE!
Before pressing the button.
Once you have hit the button.
What do you think it means that the prod is a cattle one?!
Here’s a quick video
At the bottom of the package:
This item uses a rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. The booster assembly raises the voltage from 3.7V to 7KV at half the sine frequency. It can shock the air and form light cigarettes, candles and dry leaves quickly.
It is rechargeable and can be used hundreds of times.
The product comes with several protections including overcharge, overload and discharge. The product will shut off power to the circuit if the temperature is not high enough.
The product will automatically turn off when continue ignition 7 seconds passes. This is to avoid prolonged usage that could affect the use time.
YES! You can vote YES!
However, I Do This makes it possible to: Amazing When you push the button, it emits a sizzling sound and purple light. It seems to balance out.